D2 Coin Kickstarter is Live!

Hello everyone!

The Age of Aether D2 coin kickstarter is now live! This d2 coin is the perfect accessory to compliment your tabletop RPG sessions, as you'll never have to debate how to roll a d2 again! I’m very proud of how the coins came out, and excited to offer them to you now.  The design work and set-up is complete, all that remains is to print these fine metal coins. If you're interested, I'd love to have you come over and check it out.

Hope to see you there!


20200707_134159 (1).jpg

D2 Coins are Coming!

Well, being stuck inside for months has allowed me to reorganize my future plans for Age of Aether. One thing that has fallen out of all this is the Age of Aether d2 coin!

Coin Focus.jpg

The d2 is an add-on to Age of Aether that I’ve wanted for a long time. Despite the ease of making such an item, I’ve constantly been surprised that there are so few d2 options out there. So, I made one.

The Age of Aether d2 coin is a robust metal coin. It is 1” in diameter, large enough to flip like a coin, but small enough to shake with a handful of other dice.

This kickstarter has been far easier to develop than the last one. I was able to go to a single printer which offered art and design services, and they can print and ship within a fortnight. The development of this coin has gone remarkably fast, to the point where I actually have the pre-production proofs in hand already!

20200707_134159 (1).jpg

As you can see, the plan is to offer 3 different platings: Copper, Silver, and Gold, to represent the Kopecks, Schillings, and Guilders of the game. However, the number of platings available will depend on the success of the kickstarter: The base metal is silver, the first stretch goal is copper, and the third stretch goal is gold.

The costs of this kickstarter were also cheap compared to the book, represented by the lower funding levels: $1,000 will finance the pre-production cost and the printing of 200 coins. Different platings will become available at $2,000 and $3,000. So what happens if I reach $3,000? Well, I usually use reproduction historical coins for focus points when running my game, and I thought that a special focus point coin for the game would be cool! So if we reach $5,000, the focus point coin will be available!

Focus Point Coin.jpg

This coin is significantly larger than the d2: either 1.25 or 1.5 inches. Its design is inspired by the large silver coins of the 18th century, the Crowns, Ecus, Thalers, Spanish Milled Dollars, and 5-Franc coins. 1.5” would be a more accurate size, but I wonder if 1.25” would be more manageable.

Since this coin is larger, more complex, and more expensive to proof, I will refrain from doing so until we unlock it on the kickstarter. The focus point coin is baselined as silver, but if funding comes in, copper and gold-plated versions will become available.

I’m very excited to be able to offer this d2 coin this year! Expect to see the kickstarter begin in late August or early September. I hope to see you there!

Shipping Celebrations!


Good news, everyone! The physical copies of Age of Aether have all been accepted by the printer and the books are starting to ship! Those who ordered a physical Age of Aether rulebook should be receiving it soon. For those of you who ordered add-ons, such as the campaign setting, adventure packs, GM screen, or pre-made characters, I have not forgotten you! Those items are nearing completion, and I'll send them to you as soon as they are finished.

Well, here we are. The final update for my first kickstarter. It's been quite a journey, and I'm so happy you've all traveled it with me. Your interest and support made Age of Aether possible, and I hope you have as much fun playing it as I have had making it!

Age of Aether will continue to grow. I will keep the game alive, running online games and attending gaming conventions once they reopen. I have more ideas in mind, the next being a specially-designed d2 coin, but those are projects for a future kickstarter. I will post updates on my website, here, at https://www.calvinstudzinski.com/age-of-aether .

I hope to see you there, and happy playing!

The Penultimate Production Post

It happened.

I got the proof.


Oh my goodness, I could gush about this all day, but it's late, and I've spent most of the evening fighting with the fulfillment software. So, let me give you all the low-down.

The electronic copies are complete. There should be an email in your inbox with a link. Please check it out and let me know if there are any copies.

The physical copies are in a little bit more of limbo. I tried to order them all for you tonight, but it won't let me pay without Paypal, which I do not have. I've sent an email to their customer service line, since I have the money to order the books. Worst case, I may have to get a Paypal account, but physical books will be ordered soon! When they will get to you is unknown. DriveThruRPG estimates 22-24 days. My copies have taken about 2 weeks. Still, end in sight! And hopefully the PDF will hold you over until the physical book arrives.

Some of you have asked about buying additional copies. As soon as I get the backer copies sent, I will activate the product on DriveThruRPG, where additional copies will be available for purchase.

The other rewards may take a little time. The GM screen is out for professional artsy-upping, and the setting still needs its map. I'm working on it. They will come out soon, but we're waiting on the artists and editors for these ones.

And that's where we are! It's been a hell of a journey, but we're almost done! Thank you so much for coming along with me, for making this trip possible! I'm looking forwards to having the game complete for you all...

Which, of course, means I can start looking ahead to producing the next Age of Aether publication!

Proof Problems

Hello Everyone,

Good news! The physical book proof arrived this week! Bad news: It was riddled with print errors. The page art is whited out, art is replaced with big brown blocks, etc. I've attached some images below so you can see what I mean.

This is okay. After all, we get proofs to work these sorts of problems out. I've already received and submitted new files, and I'll order a new proof when it's available. However, this means a 2-week delay as we wait for another proof copy.

But hey, at least the cover looks good!




Moving Maladies

Hello everybody,

I hope you all are staying safe and keeping healthy.

So, fun fact: Turns out that moving in the middle of a global pandemic is a great way to grind your productivity to a halt. However, despite that, the AoA team has kept hard at work, and as a result, I have great news. Tonight, I began uploading files to DriveThruRPG.

What does this mean? Well, if all goes well, we are a little over 1 month from printing! However, since every step in this process has taken longer than expected, I'd predict some longer period. Either way, we are definitively 1 step closer to completion!

Now DriveThruRPG will review the files. This should take a few days. If everything's good, I order proofs. This will take a week or two. If the proofs are good, I send it for printing, and a fortnight or so later, we get the books shipped!

This is the requirement for shipping the physical books, but considering that everyone is stuck inside (In America, at least), if you all are interested, I could have the PDF ready much earlier than the print books. Anyone who backed for a physical copy will still receive one when they are ready, but for those who backed for a PDF could download one as soon as I have it available!

Which do you prefer? Release the PDF at the same time as the physical books, or let you gamers have the PDF early?

I hope you are all doing well!



Last Legs

Hello, everyone!

Still working at the Age of Aether rulebook, but today, I have exciting news. We have received the final piece of art! That's right, we have no more artwork to procure! I'd show you the image, but the file is huge, so you'll just have to wait for the finished book.

There are still several steps to go. I'm reviewing the final draft of the book layout now, searching for any lingering mistakes that I've let slip through the gaps. Nathan Paoletta is doing the layout, and it looks fan-freaking-tastic! Check him out here: https://ndpdesign.com/

Once the layout is finalized, it's time to send to the printers! I'll be going through DriveThruRPG (which is where the online book sales will live once it's complete, so anyone who expresses interest will be able to buy it there once I'm done), so we're working on their schedule. Assuming the first proof they send me is good, then the whole process will take 6 weeks. Once I've approved the proof, then I send them the shipping info, and the PDFs and hard copies will go out to everyone who backed at those levels!

That means that, should all go well, we're two months from shipping! So make certain your survey responses are up-to-date, and you'll get your AoA merch soon! (As a side note, for those who ordered extras, you'll receive a second email about where to acquire your downloadable PDFs.)

That's not all the news, though. Age of Aether now has an instagram account! Just search for the instagram username: Age_of_Aether. I know. Very original, but I figure it's easy enough to remember! Right now, it's empty, but my lovely wife intends to post images every day for a week, then update it regularly. This is good, because she is far better at social media than I am, and I'm lucky to have such a lovely supportive spouse!

We're in the final stretches, for real this time!



December Delays

Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry to say that Age of Aether will not deliver by Christmas. I am almost done! Just 2 more pieces of art and the final formatting, then it's off to the printers. However, the printer's process takes 6 weeks, so we're looking at a February release date right now.

Things are going well, though! The two pieces are nearly done, and the drafts look great! I got a full rough draft of the formatted book, and it looks stunning. Things are really coming together, just not quite quick enough to get things by Christmas.

In the meantime, I commissioned a piece of extra art during this extended period, courtesy of Melissa Hudson! However, it's too big to share. Check out her other work at https://www.deviantart.com/mmhudson

I actually have more art that I’d like to share, but it’s too large to post here, including a pair of playable races line-ups, both male and female, drawn by Priscilla Kim, who can be found here! http://www.priscilla-kim.com/ These two images were important to me, since I want everyone to be able to visualize their player race and gender. They are spectacular, I swear.

I do have another piece, one of the last that I needed, from Kim Sokol, who can be found here. https://www.kimsokol.com/. It's a badass steampunk spy. Who doesn't want to be steampunk James Bond?


Thank you all for your patience. I promise, we are near the end of the road. I am as anxious to play Age of Aether as you are! It’ll be just a little bit longer.



The End is Nigh

Hello Everyone,

I have exciting news. Just last week, I signed the final pieces of art and signed a graphic artist to assemble the final product. This means that, should everything go to plan, Age of Aether will ship by Christmas. 

Now, there is still a lot that could go wrong. Artists could get sick, printing could take longer than expected, etc. There are all sorts of delays that could push that ship date back, but right now, Age of Aether will ship by Christmas.

This means that, as it stands, I need your responses to the survey! Let me know what name you want on the thank you page in the book (offensive or derogatory names will not be included), what email address you want the electronic rewards sent to, and what physical address you want the hard copy sent to (if you backed at that level). If you do not get me this information by the end of November, I cannot guarantee that your name will be in the book, or that you will receive your awards, and nobody wants you to get your copy of Age of Aether and the credit you are due more than I.

Some of you have expressed to me a wish to buy the hard copy after the kickstarter has ended, either for yourself or on behalf of friends. Well, good news! Once the book ships, it will be available to purchase at DriveThruRPG, in both electronic and hard copy forms.  

I am terribly excited to see this work come to a conclusion. Thank you so much for your patience; it's just a little bit further until we can all be playing Age of Aether!



The Cover


Today, I have something very, very cool for you. I don't have much to say, aside from that I think that this looks amazing, and I'm excited to see it on the front of the Age of Aether core rulebook.

That's right. Today, I show you, THE COVER!

This cover was designed by Kim Sokol, who can be found at https://www.kimsokol.com/. The wordmark was done by Kaela Croft, at https://www.deviantart.com/kaelacroftart. Both did fantastic work, and I'm happy to say they have made the front of my game look really cool.


Talk to you soon!

The Wordmark

Ordinarily, I would wait until I had a few more pieces to show you, but this one is very exciting. I got the wordmark! 

Yes, what you have seen thus far has been only a rough draft. Now, here is the final product!


I don't have much else to say, aside from that I think it looks awesome, and I hope you do too!

Happy Treason Day

Hello everyone,

Today we celebrate a pack of lawbreakers who decided to rebel against their rightful government rather than pay even a tiny portion of the debt incurred by the war that they started twenty years prior. So America shall honor them by lighting stuff on fire and getting rascally drunk.

Well, if you can't beat them, join them!

Here's an unambiguous reason to celebrate: Artwork is nearing completion! I have only a few pieces left to procure, but they are big, complicated pieces, which is why it's taking so long. I have one of them here, though, for you to enjoy, an excellent scene by Priscilla Kim. Check out her further work at http://www.priscilla-kim.com/


In addition, I've been writing a log of the add-on adventures. The High Spirits 1-shot rough draft is complete, and work progresses on the Pirates of the Savage Wind 4-pack, so they should be ready soon for those who purchased those things.

Happy 4th!

May Machines

Hello everyone!

I know it’s been a while since the last update, but I have not been idle. In fact, I pushed this update back a bit so that I could share with you some more of the new art that I was particularly excited for!

First off, I’d love to post the beautiful chapter start images by Priscilla Kim, but they are actually too large to upload! So you’ll have to make do with these lower-res previews. Check out more of her work at http://www.priscilla-kim.com/

The PCs RP-ing.

The PCs RP-ing.

Some people just can’t stop buying stuff!

Some people just can’t stop buying stuff!

Next, I’d like to introduce artist Melissa Hudson! She did the two wonderful pieces for me below. Check her out at https://www.deviantart.com/mmhudson


Finally, I have two wonderful pieces from Kim Sokol! They are glorious chapter start images. As usual, you can see her work at https://www.kimsokol.com/


We are closing in on the final stretches, which is especially exciting for me! Producing Age of Aether has taken a lot more effort than I thought it would, but I am happy with what is shaping up! I thank you all for your patience, and hope you are as pleased with the game as I am!

I’ll be back soon with another update.



End of March

Hello, everyone!

Sorry it’s been so long since the last update. Life has been crazy. But you don’t need to hear about all that. You want to see some progress! So without further ado, here’s some art.

The first three images are armor pieces from Kim Sokol. Check out her work at http://www.kimsokol.com/, but if you poach her from me before I finish Age of Aether, then I’ll cut your leg off and bury it in the back yard.

Don’t test me.

A buckler was a small shield held in the fist. A Targe was a moderate-sized strapped round shield favored by Scottish Highlanders. Finally, the steel helmet is very much what it sounds like. They were worn by cavalrymen during the 17th century and reintroduced by Napoleon to his armies after a century of scant use.





Steel Helmet

Steel Helmet

The image below is a fantastic chapter start image done by Priscilla Kim. Check out her other work at http://www.priscilla-kim.com/gaming, but please, let me finish Age of Aether! I don’t want to have to beat you to death with your own disembodied arm.

Dude in Distress

Dude in Distress

I hope to have another update for you soon. At this moment, four different artists have sketches to me, and I expect to get the finals in early April!

See you all then!

New Year, New Art

Well, here we are. Another year.

I know I’ve not been posting as many updates as I should, but it’s not been due to a lack of work. Nay, I have been toiling away this past Holiday season! And now, I have the art to prove it!

First, I’d like to introduce a new artist, Priscilla Kim! I’ve actually been working with her for a few months now, but her last round of art just missed the Thanksweenmas update, so here’s a bunch of it! You can (and should) check her out at http://www.priscilla-kim.com/


But that’s not enough, you say? Well, how about this fearsome demonic hellhound from Heather Carr, who can be found here at www.straywolfstudios.com .

hellhound final clean.jpg

No, you need yet more?

Well, I’ve been working on something big, bigger than we have yet seen. In fact, we’re about to see some scenes, courtesy of Kim Sokol! Remember those chapter stories that were a stretch goal? Well, here are three of the images that will be going with them!


I am happy to say that all of these artists have decided to continue with Age of Aether into 2019, so you’ll be seeing more of their wonderful work in the coming months! Since we are getting to some of the bigger items, the rate of art will slow, so I may only have one or two pieces per month for you, but if we keep cranking this out, then you’ll have Age of Aether books by the end of the year!

Here’s to a productive and creative 2019!

Thanksweenmas Craziness

Hello Everyone!

I know, I know, I missed an October-themed update. I apologize. So I'll be doubling up my October and November updates here, and hopefully I'll return in December refreshed and ready to continue producing Age of Aether for you.

Now, on to the game!

MileHiCon 50 was a great success. Thank you to everyone who tried my game. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Most of you came back, so I think you did!

Next year, I intend to attend several cons, including Hexacon (Jan 18-21), Genghis Con (Feb 21-24), and Whimsycon (Mar 1-3).  I'll be running new missions and also presenting on a few panels. I hope to see some people there!

Art continues to progress. Becca Bean continues to produce great character pieces. 


Kaela Croft has delivered a few new images, shown below. Look her up at https://www.deviantart.com/kaelacroftart


These were both backer rewards. I'm getting close to finishing up all the people who purchased art representation! You go guys!

Kim Sokol also delivered a number of excellent characters. You can see her stuff at http://www.kimsokol.com/


 In addition, I'd like to introduce Steve Ellis, the newest artist on the Age of Aether team. He did this wonderfully creepy goblin resurrectionist below. Check him out at  https://steveellisart.com/


While the artists are still churning away at the artwork, I'm going to have to take a brief break from writing. What with the wedding and the end of the year, I might not get to finishing the Pirates of the Savage Wind 4-pack until after life calms down. Next year, though, I will have far more time to work on this!

Thank you all for being so patient. If this pace keeps up, I should have Age of Aether finished for you by the middle of next year. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your Proletariat editions, and for those non-backers out there, keep your ear to the ground, and I'll let you know when the game is ready to purchase!



Mile Hi Con 50!

Hello Aethernauts!

Some of you have already been playing the game, but if you have not yet given Age of Aether a whirl, or you have people who would like to try it out, or you just want to meet me and say hi, I'll be running Age of Aether at MileHiCon this year!

MileHiCon 50 is at the Denver Hyatt Regency hotel, 7800 Tufts Ave, Denver, Colorado, from Friday, October 19 through Sunday, October 21. See the link below for more details and how to register.


I'll be running several of the missions that I've been developing for the kickstarter: High Spirits, The Pirates of the Savage Wind, and even potentially a brand-new mission set in the Greyleaf Campaign Setting! I will have premade characters and dice for you to borrow, or you could bring your own character made using the Age of Aether rules! Use 15 Build Points, and no advancement.

I'll see you there!



September Steam

Well, things have certainly picked up pace!

Becca Bean and Kim Sokol have both been turning out more artwork. Becca has illustrated the sasquatch below, and Kim has made some more beautiful armor for characters to wear!  

Check Becca out at NotesFromTheOverlord.tumblr.com.

Check out Kim at www.kimsokol.com.


The Sasquatch Warrior



Leather Cap




I also have 2 additional artists to introduce this month.

First, say hello to Heather Carr! She did this amazing drake, and will be making more soon! You can find her other work at www.straywolfstudios.com.

Drake nearly finished.jpg

My next artist to introduce is Kaela Croft! She drew the dwarven bartender below, and will be working on more soon! 


In addition to all this, I've been working hard on writing up the High Spirits mission. Next, I have to work on the Pirates of the Savage Wind 4-pack!  

I'm so excited to have this chance to work on Age of Aether for all of you! 



August Heat

Hello Everyone!

I just returned from GenCon. It was a ton of fun, but exhausting. Most importantly for you, I made contact with a bunch more artists, so hopefully we'll get this game art cranking out!

Speaking of, both of my signed artists have delivered good art this month! Kim Sokol made some amazing armor, while Becca Bean has drawn some more badass characters.

I'm honestly thrilled. I've been working on this game for 11 years, but now, I am finally seeing my ideas come out of my head and land on paper! 
